Five Things Friday: My Happy Planners

by Molly Jo Realy @RealMojo68

Okay. So, I guess we knew this post had to happen sooner or later, right? Y’all know my love for Happy Planning. I mean, from the day I brought my first one home I started telling you about it. Remember 2017 Prep: My Happy Planner? And Hobbes’ Mexican Chicken Meatloaf?

I laughed at the groups on Facebook. I saw ridiculous posts of women with four and five planners and entire shelves devoted to the art of the plan.

“No,” I told myself. “I will not be one of those. I will notread the rest. . .

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Mary Denman: Why is Photography Important to Bloggers?

Huzzah! Another first post by another regular contributor! Today, I’m thrilled, and I mean thrilled, to introduce you to my friend, prayer partner, and the woman responsible for making me look good professionally. This is Mary Denman, photographer. She’s going to be sharing “Intro to Photography” tips. Sweet, yes? Yes!

by Mary Denman @MaryDenman

I’m so excited to introduce myself and join you here on Frankly, My Dear . . . ! I’m Mary Denman and I’m a photographer who’s also a writer, with a teaching heart like my mom’s.

A few years ago, Molly Jo and I met at … read the rest. . .

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Happy Planner: Conference Style

by Molly Jo Realy @MollyJoRealy

Hey y’all! Remember when I fell in love with my Happy Planner? And the Meal Planner pages to track the holiday foods and monthly meatloaf recipes?

Of course, I also bought my Planner to help with the social media, writing, and editing projects.

In less than three months, I’ll be at the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference. Immersed for five days with fellow writers, agents, publishers, teachers . . . friends. It’s pretty much my equivalent to a big family reunion.

One of the most important accessories a person can have at … read the rest. . .

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Unpacking Blue Ridge

Confession time: I haven’t known how to say everything I need to say. Pretty soon I’ll be rebranding the blog with a stronger focus on social media, writing, and editing. But now and then, I’ll still have some emo to share.

Like this post . . .

Y’all remember the suitcase I picked up a few months ago? [Read: “Oh, The Place You’ll Go!”]

First it took me to Seattle. [Read: FIVE THINGS FRIDAY: Seattle.]

And starting two weeks ago it kept me company at the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference.

Since returning, my peeps have been … read the rest. . .

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All I Did Was Take a Photo

Hey y’all (I said “y’all,” y’all!)!

I’m back from my second year at the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference.

Was is everything I hoped it to be? Yes and no.

Yes, because there was much to learn, more to affirm, and an abundance of camaraderie.

No, because in this midst of all that, there were some treasured folk that were deeply missed.

I’ll tell y’all about it later (I said “y’all” again!), but this post is about what I learned about social media. In particular, it’s about one post that taught me about social media.

You see, there’s … read the rest. . .

Sweeten my tea and share: