Molly Needs a Mac

You know that old phrase, “When life throws you lemons, make lemonade”?

I’m not sure who coined that phrase, but I’m pretty sure he must have been pelted by a few lemons when he said it.

But then he probably made enough lemonade that the throwers decided it wasn’t all bad and they probably drank some of it.

Everything works out in the end, yah?

I’m in between the getting-hit-by-lemons and making-lemonade-out-of-it stages.

Babycakes, my precious MacBook Pro of over eight years, is beginning to fail me. She no longer has the software or capacity needed to do what I … read the rest. . .

Sweeten my tea and share:

Another Post About Pinterest.

I’ve written about Pinterest before.

I introduced you to This Thing Called Pinterest. I wrote an open letter about Pinning to Dear Pinners….

I’ve shared with you my own Pinterest account, and updated when I create new boards.

Today I discovered that not all my own Pins were linked accurately. Of course, as a blogger/writer, it’s important that my articles are attached to the Pins I create for them. So I spent about thirty minutes reviewing and correcting. It wasn’t that bad. In fact, it was a little fun seeing Pins from months ago that I’d forgotten about.… read the rest. . .

Sweeten my tea and share: