Is one of your New Year’s Resolutions to eat better? Really… who’s isn’t.

How about adding some more fruits and citrus to your diet? Those vitamins are calling you! They want to party down with you in the kitchen!

Remember this lovely moment? It makes the whole Kitchen Party thing a bit… difficult.
Yeah. It’s always fun to work in the kitchen with a finger splint taped to your hand… not!

It’s even more fun when you’re trying to squeeze citrus juice good to the last drop. Unfortunately, my recurring early-onset arthritis is currently recurring.

Fortunately, Aroma Housewares sent … read the rest. . .

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Baked Frittata with Photos

A year ago I posted my recipe for Baked Frittata. It’s still a family favorite: inexpensive to make, delicious to eat.

It’s why Hayley calls me “Momma” with a smile.
It’s my Go-To Lazy Weekend recipe.
It’s what I bribe my brothers with. [Let’s just say they’re coming home for the holidays… trust me!]

But the new Blog look mandates a new recipe look, dontcha think? So here it is. A familiar recipe with a new look.

Baked Frittata

Rating: 51

Prep Time: 15 minutes

Cook Time: 45 minutes

Total Time: 1 hour

Yield: 6-9 servings


read the rest. . .

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Pumpkin Spice Cookies with Betty Crocker

What could be easier than making a drop cookie? How ’bout making a drop cookie from a mix? That’s right, you heard me. Today I took the easy way out and used a pre-mix for our cookies. And you know what? I’d do it again!

Who hasn’t heard of Betty Crocker? Their product is a staple in almost any kitchen. And with the busyness of the upcoming Holiday season, they’re definitely invited to my house any time.

I started the mix by hand, but soon realized my KitchenAid could do it better.

After lining the cookie sheets with parchment paper, … read the rest. . .

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Dear Wilton’s… I love you!

Dear Wilton’s,

I can’t thank you enough for the memories you’ve brought back to me and for the ones yet to come. When it comes to making me happy in the kitchen, you rule. Your highly recognized products are easy to use, inexpensive and yet durable, and I don’t have a hard time finding them in my local cake/craft stores.

You have decorated our food, our hearts, and our lives. Thank you.

I love you!


Just about a year ago I bought something I’d wanted for a very long time: a Wilton’s cake decorating kit. My mom reigned … read the rest. . .

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A Zippidy-Doo-Dad Day

I’m so excited! I just uploaded this great new recipe software from ZipList. It’s an online and mobile recipe box and grocery list service.

What does that mean for you? My recipes will be streamlined. Easy to read. Easy to print. If you want to create your own online account at ZipList, they’ll digitally store any recipe you want. You can go from site to site to site and collect your favorite recipes. You can change them up, make your notes, keep track of what groceries you already have on hand.

It’s a pretty nifty thing.

So over the next … read the rest. . .

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