Jul 13, 2012 |
Those thunderstorms we’ve been waiting on? You know, once the ridiculously hot triple-digit weather wafted into something a tad bit cooler and stirred up the atmosphere with the confronting high/low pressure fronts…
Yeah. THOSE thunderstorms…
We had our first little taste overnight. At 3:06 a.m. Friday the 13th no less, I was awakened by one subtle roll. Soon after, a louder one, and a few minutes later, a third. But then it was quiet. The rains began gently, turning into a steady downpour but nothing horrific.
But today we’re on the map for several days of STORMS. And they’re coming. … read the rest. . .
Apr 13, 2012 |
Today is the second of three Friday the 13th’s this year.
In January, I posted 13 trivial facts about the date.
While I haven’t added anything new, here’s the link in case you wanted a refresher: Friday the 13th, Part I.
Happy reading!
And Frankly, My Dear… that’s all she wrote!
… read the rest. . .
Jan 13, 2012 |
1. Today is the first of three Friday the 13th’s this year.
2. 13 is considered an unlucky number because Biblically, the number 12 is considered holy or lucky. And any immediate subsequent number (13) is therefore considered extremely unlucky.
3. Hotels and airplanes omit the ominous number during their construction. Which isn’t to say they don’t have an Aisle 13 or 13th Floor. You just know it as 14. So, wouldn’t that make 14 just as unfortunate?
4. 13 is the age that everyone can’t wait to turn. It signifies the ascent from childhood into young adulthood. Turning … read the rest. . .