Jul 21, 2017 |
by Molly Jo Realy @RealMojo68
I don’t know ’bout you, but it seems the more I take care of things, the more things there are to take care of. Am I right? I’m constantly on the go. Having so much on my plate to take care of, I sometimes forget to take care of the plate holder [that would be me].
Now, eating right and getting enough sleep is not just something your mother or doctor tell you. Get this: It actually works. But sometimes it’s not enough. Sometimes we need a little extra boost, and emotional empowering to get … read the rest. . .
Jul 6, 2017 |
by Molly Jo Realy @RealMojo68
Okay, y’all. I admit. There’s a lot to be said about streaming videos. No extra clutter on the nightstand or when traveling. No storage issues (well, at least not at the house). And super bonus: no “ohmagosh where I did put that?” Or super-super bonus: no breakage.
But there’s something to be said for getting your entertainment the semi-old school way. And it comes with its own bonus.
Now, I enjoy Netflix as much as the next person. I mean, how many of you already know when Stranger Things Season Two is available? [Here’s a … read the rest. . .
May 18, 2017 |
by Molly Jo Realy @MollyJoRealy
I really, really want to dance in a fountain with my girls. Y’all know what I’m talking about: The opening credits to that wonderful, iconic TV show FRIENDS. Three guys, three girls. Dancing, playing, having fun.
Some weeks ago I was enjoying conversation with my Mississippi bestie, whom we’ll call SuperGirl, and my Georgia bestie, whom we’ll call Paige. Yes, that Paige, of Paige’s Plantation Part One.
In the course of conversation, guided heavily by our love for all things coincidental and identifiable, I happened to mention my current binging of FRIENDS on Netflix. … read the rest. . .
Aug 9, 2015 |
Remember when I went to Blue Ridge and so many crazy awesome writing-editing connection things happened? And how I drank lots of sweet tea?
And remember how, before I went, I was big on collecting pennies and coins in my jar?
And you know how I have a writer’s mind so I link cause-and-effect like other people don’t? Well . . .
Say hello to my new “jar”.
Every time I drop a coin or bill into my Sweet Savings bottle, it’s a reminder of what I’m striving for. And the fact that it’s a much bigger container than the … read the rest. . .
Sep 26, 2014 |
Welcome back to Five Things Friday. My theme for this week is #DoingTheWriteThing. I can’t get tired of it. The more I promote writing, the more addicted to writing I become.
Every conversation I hear, every sight I see, every sense I experience is placed in my mental filing cabinet (and sometimes on paper) for probable later use.
Reading about writing excites me. I’m currently studying Flannery O’Connor’s “Mystery and Manners” and came across this gem, Number One on today’s Five Things Friday.
1. My writing mentor assigned me to read two books. Flannery O’Connor’s “Mystery and Manners” is the … read the rest. . .