We’ve Only Just Begun

by Molly Jo Realy @MollyJoRealy

Beckie and I had lunch today. It was a celebration. I finished NOLA and she got a book contract. Her publisher is looking at a three-book deal. Not bad for a newbie, right?!

The Astros won the World Series tonight. That makes me happy because I’m not really a Dodgers fan, and any team that beats the Yankees deserves a true shot at the ring.

I started writing CENTRAL today. Mostly because it’s November first and I don’t want to miss out on NaNoWriMo. And believe it or not, I picked up two small editing … read the rest. . .

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Stephanie Carroll: Victorian Halloween Photographs

by Stephanie Carroll @CarrollBooks

Note: What follows are photos selected to accompany yesterday’s post, 10 Ways the Victorians Contributed to Modern-Day Halloween.
While not exactly a Wordless Wednesday post, we thought you’d enjoy a visual interpretation of Victorian-era behaviors.

PartiesUniversity of Southern California Student Halloween Party, Circa 1890

University of Southern California student Halloween party, ca. 1890. [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.


1890 Halloween Party & Costumes [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.


Caption on Card: “Author’s Third Flashlight Photograph of 1 June, 1912. Portrait of M. Bisson.” The Public Domain Review via Flickr.

This is an image of a couple with … read the rest. . .

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10 Ways the Victorians Contributed to Modern-Day Halloween

By Stephanie Carroll @CarrollBooks

Note: I met Stephanie a few years ago when she spoke at the local writers’ club. Within three minutes we knew we would be great friends. Her novel, A White Room, is based on one of my favorite college reads, The Yellow Wallpaper. And she had purple hair and nail polish. Awesome, right! How could you not like someone like that?

I am so excited to have her come on board as a contributing blogger for Frankly, My Dear. She’s been very eager to share her Victorian and Gothic wisdom with y’all, and I just know read the rest. . .

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