Jun 22, 2012 |
I love Louis L’Amour. If you’ve been reading my blog for any length of time, this isn’t a surprise. But if you’re new, let me just state the obvious:
I love Louis L’Amour.
I named my newest Nutcracker after him. I collect Nutcrackers, and every holiday season my Mom lets me pick one for my Christmas gift. It’s been a tradition for about ten years now. Last year I couldn’t find any that I really wanted. Then suddenly one day, at the local Kohl’s Department Store and looking for something completely unrelated, I turned around and there he was. Rocking … read the rest. . .
Mar 16, 2012 |
This is another children’s book from long ago. The copy I have was printed in 1935 and belonged to my mother.
I love this book. It centers on a little girl who discovers history and adventure as she travels the West Coast. The inside covers show a hand-drawn map that indicates the important locations from the book. Actual photographs of places and actors posing as the book’s characters give credence to Carmen’s journey.

This is one in a series of books by Brandeis called “Children of All Lands” wherein Brandeis delivers wonderful writing detailing the heritage of a particular nation … read the rest. . .
Dec 16, 2011 |
Here’s some fun and interesting facts about Christmas and decking the halls:
It is believed that Charles Dickens wrote A Christmas Carol in one month.
Reindeer didn’t accompany a chubby Santa Claus until 1809, when introduced by Washington Irving.
In the Middle Ages, some people would light a huge candle on Christmas Eve. If the candle burned out before the end of Christmas Day, it superstitiously foretold of bad luck for the coming year.
According to Guinness World Records, Irving Berlin’s “White Christmas” as sung by Bing Crosby is the best-selling single of all time: over 50 million copies worldwide.… read the rest. . .
Oct 21, 2011 |
by Molly Jo Realy @MollyJoRealy
That’s not a typo… this blog title really is Self slash Public slash ation. Well, the first two parts stand alone. The last? I guess you call that an emphasis, the uniter.
Part One: Self.
I’m stubborn. I love my stability and my structured schedule. I’m set in my ways. I’m okay with change, even if it hasn’t been anticipated… as long as it’s not drastic. I’m old-fashioned, and set in my ways. Yeah, I’m a real catch for a go-with-the-flow kinda crowd. (*please tell me you get the sarcasm, here).
I look for stories … read the rest. . .
Oct 15, 2011 |
by Molly Jo Realy @MollyJoRealy
In the Beginning
Nothing, expanded.
Blueprinted. Released.
Designed and planned for.
In the Beginning
Foundations laid.
Strength. Support.
Sun and moon and stars all over.
Fresh and new.
Water and wood and
Green and blue
Views into the unknown.
Doors to the future
Expanding foundation.
Stairs and guards and patios and cellars
For climbing and protecting
And sharing and hiding.
Learning, growing.
Planting roots, planting beauty.
Adding color, adding room.
Keeping up, trimming back
Filling out, fixing up
Settling in.
Creating, remembering.
Mistakes, majesties.
Repairs and hard work… read the rest. . .