Mar 13, 2012 |
Yesterday was my last day at Disneyland. At least for a while. My annual pass expires in six days, and since I still don’t have one of those day-job-thing-a-ma-jig’s, I’m not renewing. Not yet.
So yesterday was my last day Disneyland. At least for a while.
Megan and I were finally able to go together. She drove. And I can happily say, I did not get us lost. She did. Or rather, her GPS did. We named the GPS Stella. Just ‘cuz we could. And while laughing about different voices a GPS could do, we missed an important direction along … read the rest. . .
Oct 10, 2011 |
by Molly Jo Realy @MollyJoRealy
On Saturday, I took my daughter and her friend, Nathan, to Disneyland. Since we live in Southern California, we’re lucky enough to have annual passes so we try to get there at least once every two months.
This trip I spent some time alone, wandering through the Parks. Instead of riding the bigger roller-coasters, I slowed my pace, enjoying the shops and attractions. On Main Street USA next to the timeless favorite Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln, I found myself pulled into the Disney Gallery, currently showcasing the art of Mary Blair. It was, in … read the rest. . .