Five Things Friday: My Favorite Cookbooks

by Molly Jo Realy @RealMojo68

Pretend this is real paper and you’re reading my scribble: As I’m prepping this blog post, my Mississippi Bestie Cara Pearson called and gushed about the great cookbooks she picked up at a used bookstore for about five cents each. And then she has the nerve to ask if I’ve ever seen the movie Julie & Julia. Please, girl. You know that’s what started me on my blog journey. Now I love her and all, but that’s just rubbing it in, dontcha think? Rub. Dry rub. That’s right! We’re talking about cookbooks today. Grab read the rest. . .

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It’s National Fudge Day, Mary!

My friend Mary lives in Canada. Which is prob’ly a good thing.
We’re both Chocoholics, and if she lived any closer to me we’d most likely be at each others’ door every day sharing the dark sweets in its various forms.

That doesn’t stop us from still encouraging one another to indulge without the other one present. Thank goodness we know our limits. So we’re actually more apt to post pictures on each others’ Facebook wall. Most of the time.

Beautiful, lovely, delicious looking chocolate pictures.

My friend Del introduced me to this website, It’s a fun blog … read the rest. . .

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Blogging is a Job and Readers are a Raise

My blogging experience over the past two years has taught me some valuable lessons and given me great insight.

It can be (and for the serious blogger/writer, should be) considered a job. Accordingly, I need to approach it as such. That means I keep at it, even when I want to call in sick or take a personal day. I show up, I put in a good amount of time and effort. And when the situation calls for it, I go above and beyond the norm. Maybe this means finding a hot topic to discuss, or just a new writing … read the rest. . .

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