Dec 14, 2017 |
by Molly Jo Realy @MollyJoRealy
Whether you do it yourself, for yourself, for others, or have others do it for you, social media is a great tool to connect you with the world.
But we all know it can take up a bit of time. [I guess that’s why they call it “management”.]
Now, I’m not exactly an expert, but I’m also not-not one either. In my ventures with social media, there are a few things I’ve learned that make it easier.
Scheduling is prob’ly the first thing you need to manage. I recommend a scheduling app like … read the rest. . .
May 17, 2016 |
Last month we discussed some things people do on social media that can sting. [Read: Social Media Buzz: Don’t Bee That Person.]
In this post you’ll find some subtle yet sweet behaviors that will keep your Swarm buzzing and building.
Being a ninja involves skill and knowledge, and the ability to fuse them cohesively. Sort of like bees in a hive, right?
I love being a Ninja Bee and helping others use their social media secrets to grow their online community.
Here’s a little honey to share, some tips on the fly that can help draw people into your … read the rest. . .
Apr 7, 2016 |
Building a Social Media Swarm takes more than just constant posting. You need to know your audience, and let them know you. Read on to learn how to create a positive social media buzz.
Don’t Be That Person.
You know who I’m talking about. There are certain cyber-people who make you want to use Facebook’s Unfriend button more often than not. Am I right? We’ve all been in that person’s skin one time or another. The thing is, you shouldn’t stay there.
Here’s a quick run down of five social media personalities you should try to avoid becoming:
- The One
… read the rest. . .
Feb 22, 2016 |
Here’s a not-so-secret: I love social media. It’s where I connect with others, share my life, promote authors and their projects, and yes, play my fair amount of Candy Crush. I know. Gaming isn’t the same as social media. But when all you have to offer is candy life, it counts, okay?
But not everyone feels the same. I can’t quite get my head around what I’m about to say, but I hear tell there are actually people out there who dislike social media.
Can you imagine? People who would rather get a tooth pulled than post a status … read the rest. . .