Are You Ready to Visit NOLA?

by Molly Jo Realy (@MollyJoRealy)

Are You Ready to Visit NOLA?
(Or, How I’m Celebrating the Best Decisions I’ve Ever Made in My Life)

This is typically the pre-post point wherein I give you an update on NOLA. You know, something witty, adorably personal, maybe with a touch of Bohemian humor.

Well, I hate to disappoint y’all, but there will be no pre-post update.

Awww, don’t cry! It’s okay. No, really. It is.

Wanna know why?

Well, I’ll tell ya:


How do you like them beignets?

read the rest. . .
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NOLA: Lassiez Les Bon Temps Rouler!

by Molly Jo Realy @RealMojo68

This is New Orleans.
The past never stays buried.

After a broken engagement and the death of her beloved uncle, Penny escapes her nightmares by flying into New Orleans. She finds herself struggling to embrace a new future. Does that mean letting go of her past? What about her new friends ~ the ones accused of murder? In search of something she can’t identify, she discovers things aren’t always as they seem. Somewhere between the French Quarter and the bayous, she finds the answers she’s looking for . . .

And some she’s not.


read the rest. . .
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#AmWriting: Using a Calendar to Storyboard Your Novel

#AmWriting: Using a Calendar to Storyboard Your Novel

by Molly Jo Realy @MollyJoRealy

As a discovery writer, I sometimes feel as though I’m just a passenger on this train. I’m the transcriber of events observed. Or a screenwriter giving words to the movie playing in my head. Often, my characters will rebel, refuse, and rearrange the scenes I’m trying to create.

I don’t know about your writing, but getting deeper into the story has caused some drama, and I don’t just mean on the pages. NOLA has been started, restarted, edited, revamped, revised and solidified. And through the past three … read the rest. . .

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