The Eyes of a Cat

I had writer’s block for today and I when I asked Dot what I should write about, she said, “The Eyes of a Cat” and offered up this little prose:

“Piercing yet Pretty
Gold or brown
Blue or green
or black

A glass sphere
protecting the canvas
of those speckled eyes

Each unique
Like a fingerprint.”

And Frankly, My Dear… that’s all she wrote!

Sweeten my tea and share:
read the rest. . .
Sweeten my tea and share:

To My Heroes

You aren’t unafraid. But you stand up in spite of it.

You aren’t all powerful. But you try with all your might.

You don’t have all the answers. But you never stop learning.

You aren’t impenetrable. But you don’t let weakness keep you down.

You can’t fix everything. But you never stop trying.

You can’t see the world. But you see your part of it.

You can’t protect everyone. But you protect the ones you can.

You fail sometimes. You fall sometimes.

Your secret identity is often exposed and you are often mundane.

You aren’t God.

You aren’t Superman.

You … read the rest. . .

Sweeten my tea and share:

“Move to Trash”

Some days

I just can’t

get my head in the game.

Some days

the things I want

to write

are not

things I want to share.

Some days

the keyboard

just glares back

at me


for an interaction

that doesn’t come.


is just one

of those days.


I keep trying.

I keep typing.

I keep thinking.

And I keep hitting

“move to trash”

Until I am satisfied


with what I have

and comfortable


to let you

read it.

And Frankly, My Dear… that’s all she wrote!

Sweeten my tea and share:
read the rest. . .
Sweeten my tea and share:

God is Unfair!

He said, “Follow me.” I said no.
He waited anyway.

He said, “Stay on this path.” I strayed.
He led me back.

He said, “I love you.” I pushed him away.
He loved me anyway.

He said, “I want to adopt you.” I refused.
He called me His own anyway.

He said, “I want to save you.” I laughed.
He sent His True Son to die in my place.

He said, “Let me bless you.” I ignored his gifts.
He blessed me anyway.

He said, “I will provide.” I wanted it all.
He withheld, but gave me more than I … read the rest. . .

Sweeten my tea and share:


by Molly Jo Realy @MollyJoRealy

In the Beginning
Nothing, expanded.
Blueprinted. Released.
Designed and planned for.

In the Beginning
Foundations laid.
Strength. Support.
Sun and moon and stars all over.

Fresh and new.

Water and wood and
Green and blue

Views into the unknown.
Doors to the future
Expanding foundation.

Stairs and guards and patios and cellars
For climbing and protecting
And sharing and hiding.

Learning, growing.
Planting roots, planting beauty.
Adding color, adding room.

Keeping up, trimming back
Filling out, fixing up
Settling in.

Creating, remembering.
Mistakes, majesties.

Repairs and hard work… read the rest. . .

Sweeten my tea and share: