What a Difference a Day Makes [The New Used Car Edition]

So, wow. Say it with me: Wow!

Was it only a few days ago I posted how good things are even though on paper they look miserable? Well, guess what. I get a paycheck this week. A full paycheck. And you know what I’m going to do with it? I’m going to pay my mortgage! I’m so stinking excited.

I’ve paid my mortgage every month, but this month is special. This month, it’s being paid from my paycheck: from money I earned at my new job.

It’s a great Thanksgiving!

You know what else is new? Take a guess. Okay, … read the rest. . .

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Destination: Mission Inn, Riverside, CA

It’s no secret that the Mission Inn in Riverside, CA is one of my family’s favorite destinations. Whether it’s just for an afternoon of strolling or a weekend getaway, this beautiful and historic location has much to offer people of all ages.

Three of my favorite photos were taken by either myself or my daughter during a Three-Generation Stay in April, 2011. It was the first time my mother, myself, and my daughter were on the same vacation.

The Miller family bought the Glenwood Cottage in the 1870s. In 1880, young Frank Miller purchased it from his father with the … read the rest. . .

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I’m falling in love with apples. I can’t explain my newest obsession, except to state that that I’m just really falling in love with apples!

I just got back from Women’s Retreat with my church. It was a great weekend, as expected. And then something slightly awkward happened. During the final session, just before we left to go home, I ended up with some great writing ideas.

There I am, singing praise with my friends, and I’m struck with the overwhelming urge to write it out. I’m sure I was a bit distracting to those around me. It’s not unlike … read the rest. . .

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