TGIF: The TidBit Post

I apologize. This week has zoomed by with such tornado force that I neglected to blog for an entire seven days. Seven days! That’s like… a year at Catford Manor, yah? Maybe not… but it certainly felt like it. I don’t know if you missed reading, but I certainly missed writing.

I’m happy to say the reasons for my Blogosphere Silence are good reasons. Strong reasons. And beautifully foundational reasons. And I (95%) don’t feel guilty about this time otherwise well spent. The other 5% is that control-freak-oh-my-gosh-I’m-gonna-die-if-I-don’t-write-this-out attitude that infiltrates every fiber of my being, every hour of every … read the rest. . .

Sweeten my tea and share:


There was no doubt that this had to be another TGIF post. Because as I write this, I am so very thankful.

I’ve been blessed to be able to share my Penny Parable with more people than I imagined. I continue to find pennies every day, and I’m so thankful when I do. Some are found at home, some in my car. Some are tiny savings in my checkbook. At the end of the week, 7 cents adds up. And since posting the Parable, I’ve been finding far more than just 7 a week. It makes it worth it: that … read the rest. . .

Sweeten my tea and share:


Frankly, My Dear… had a facelift. And a tummy tuck. And, well, pretty much a complete chassis overhaul. Inn’t she purtty? From the inner workings to the aesthetic design, I am overwhelmed at the difference between yesterday and today.

While yesterday I had a blog… today I have The Blog. Designed to tie in with the New Inklings Press website, FMD is growing up. I’m amazed at the difference a few subtle and not-so-subtle changes can make.

I’d love to say I had the help of a great web designer, but the truth is, I made a few suggestions and … read the rest. . .

Sweeten my tea and share:

TGIF: March 15, 2013

It’s TGIF time. It always seems to work out that when I’ve been blog-absent and finally have much to say, it’s a TGIF post. I like that. Blog and I, we work well together.

And believe me, I have oh-so-much to say. The first is, I’m learning how to not say everything. As a writer, I’m a bit cavalier with my words. That’s not always a good thing. I see a story everywhere, but that doesn’t mean I should tell it. Some stories aren’t mine to tell. Others are mine, but not worth telling. Still more are shared stories, and … read the rest. . .

Sweeten my tea and share:

TGIF: February 22, 2013

I can’t begin to express how I feel writing this post. It always feels good when I write. But this one… Because I’ve been fairly absent in the Blogosphere since January… it feels good to Blog.

TGIF says it all. February has gone by so fast for me. Although my Kickstarter Campaign wrapped up on February 1st, I can’t believe how very busy I’ve been with the post-campaign work.

Ordering product, final editing, and, this weekend, sending the Cookbook to the printer.

I feel as though I’ve three jobs. My day job, which helps pay the bills. My writing, which … read the rest. . .

Sweeten my tea and share: