Five Things Friday: Instead of a Writers Conference

by Molly Jo Realy @RealMojo68

True story. I’m on the phone with SuperGirl ~ our weekly two-hour catch-up call ~ and she says . . . Wait for it. Get this.

She says, “I don’t know if I’m going to Blue Ridge next year.”

MoJoWriterGirlsays “Say, whhaaat?!”

Of course, Blue Ridge isn’t Blue Ridge without my posse. And I’m super happy because during the interview for my now-you-know-about-it new career, I told them straight up, I need a week in May. I’m already committed to being out of state. They nodded. They approved.

So. Girlfriend. If I’m going, you’re going. … read the rest. . .

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Edie Melson: Social Media Lies People Tell Themselves, Part One

by Edie Melson @EdieMelson

[republished with permission. And be sure to check out my post today on Edie’s blog, The Write Conversation. ~Molly Jo]

I get a lot of emails and phone calls from people who really believe social media doesn’t work for them. They’ve convinced themselves that they are the exception to the rule. And because of that, they’re somehow exempt from having an online presence.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it’s called an exception because it rarely ever happens. Actually I’ve NEVER seen an instance where it was true. But I’m skeptical … read the rest. . .

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