Aug 31, 2016 |
One of my favorite recipes is Anna’s Meatloaf. Y’all know the story, right? Anna was my best friend in college. We worked together, hung out together, cooked together.
She would make this great meatloaf, and when I moved back home, she gave me the recipe. Like, gave me the recipe. As in, “Here. Use it, royalty free.” So I put it in my cookbook. [She did, of course, garner a free copy of The Unemployment Cookbook.]
Ever since, Anna’s meatloaf has been a go-to family favorite. Even the cats love it. [Read: “I Just Want to Eat My Stinkin’ … read the rest. . .
Jan 2, 2016 |
When I joined the Jamberry Nails team last spring, my intent was to use the consultant discount to my benefit. Selfish, I know. Or so it sounds.
The truth is, I want to share Jamberry with everyone around me. Using my fingertips as an artist’s canvas is so fun and individual. I say it’s like scrapbooking on your hands. No two Jamicures are the same, even if I’m the one doing them.
Sure, I have my favorites:
But Jamberry is much more than pretty fingers. It’s also healthy hands.
After a month of wrapping and unwrapping and decorating and cleaning … read the rest. . .
Jan 29, 2013 |
I love driving at Twilight. I’d forgotten that until I started working again. Driving home in the near-dark with Sinatra playing through the speakers is a nightly experience I consistently relish.
In the Winter rains, the fresh air and delicate winds bring a certain feel with them.
There’s something quite magical about the mix of neon and starlight, of headlights and stoplights reflecting off the hard pavement and sidewalks.
When I was otherwise unemployed, my driving was nearly confined to only the sandy desert roads less maintained by the City. Now I traverse Main Street each day. With Winter on … read the rest. . .
Nov 8, 2012 |
Monday it was over 80 degrees and sunny.
Tomorrow night, we’re expecting our first snowfall of the year.
And this is how I know it’ll happen: my left ankle is a barometric indicator. 24 hours before the first snowflake hits the ground, I limp like a gazelle on hot coals.
On my way home from work tonight (boy! That’s fun to say after a year and a half! Let’s say it again!) On my way home from work tonight, Leftie made a statement. A strong statement. And she’s starting to scream.
Welcome to Winter in the Desert.
And Frankly, My … read the rest. . .
Oct 13, 2012 |
I know it’s not winter. Not yet. But someone forgot to tell the Weather so. Because in a drastic shift of climate, our temperatures went from 75 on Tuesday to only 52 on Wednesday, complete with strong winds and stormy clouds. There was even a forecast for snow in the higher elevations.
While we didn’t get any precipitation, it’s been quite enjoyable to sit back and enjoy the ambiance that a grey wind brings.

Our temperatures are already rising again; the sky is already more clear. It was a nice tease of what’s to come.
And Frankly, My Dear… that’s … read the rest. . .