The Adventures of Will Power and the Basket of Blessings

Will Power. He’s one determined little bear!
To read The Adventures of Will Power and the Haunted House, click here.

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Will Power recently found himself overwhelmed. He felt he was stuck in the Tall Grass.




So many worries, so many cares. So many things to think about, when all he really wanted was to rest. The more he tried, the more wrapped up he became in his worries.

He knew he needed a change, if not in situations, then in perspective. So he took a step back. He looked … read the rest. . .

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Two Days Before The Day After Thanksgiving

Tomorrow, we feast. The day after, we decorate and celebrate. Today, we gear up.

I’m going to brave the supermarket. (I already hear you, Jenn: WHAT THE HECK AM I THINKING?!). Jenn went to Wal*Mart yesterday and tweeted her survival, which received no small amount of heckling from me.

That’s okay. At least I’m staying in on Black Friday. The excuse of Unemployment and all that. (Actually, I just think the rest of you are crazy, so while you’re out in the crowds and the cold, I’ll be snug as a bug in a rug. And when I wake up, … read the rest. . .

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A Bird in the Hand…

Today’s weather warmed up with the sunshine, allowing the birds to come out of their cozy nests in search of the seed I’d placed for them. I saw my two scarce Cactus Wren leave the confines of their Joshua Tree and to my delight, two more were with them! My little family of birds is growing!

In keeping with this week’s post themes of Thanksgiving, I immediately thought “a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush” and that got me thinking.

That doesn’t really sound like I’m thankful for the birds in my bush. (Although I am). … read the rest. . .

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