Around the blogosphere orbits Wordless Wednesdays: promoting the picture without the thousand words. Well, I’m a writer, not a photographer, so that’s sort of out of the question for me. Let alone, I just really like explaining details of things.
So here’s my semi-wordless contribution of the things that have made me smile recently:
1. This gorgeous photo of Lizzie Cat. In full screen, it’s absolutely stunning. This sized-down version doesn’t begin to show how cuddly and affectionate she is with me.
2. My attempt at making ganache. So I didn’t get the measurements of cream to cocoa just right, and it didn’t set properly. But the flavors… ohmagosh, the flavors! Can’t wait to try it again soon.
3. My post, Davy Jones is Dead, was featured on The death of Davy brought back so many wonderful memories and conversations with old friends that it’s a bittersweet experience.
4. My Meal Memo in a Jar post has been a great way of planning meals this month. It’s taken a lot of stress off us, and added fun to our eating endeavors.
5. The first meal we made as a result of the Meal Memo Jar.
6. Grape Hyacinth that mysteriously appeared in my front yard. Last week I saw a few grassy patches. Three days ago I saw the first bloom. Today, there are patches and blooms abundant, so beautiful to look at!
7. Spring has started! Look at the tiny leaf buds on my Fruitless Mulberry tree. They sprouted overnight, and I can’t wait to see them bloom into vibrant green leaves!
There have been so many more great moments but I don’t have photos, just memories. My best ones are when Julie called me last night just to tell me her husband asked the family to join hands and pray for me and Dot and for me to get a job. We pray for each other’s families daily; but for her to make a special call just to let me know… it was really touching.
Morning coffee at Mom’s has become a staple, and that is one thing I will really deeply miss when I start working again. My mom is my other best friend.
I loved Andrea’s email this morning to let me know she was having trouble commenting on my blog. I love her daily blogs (Quiet MOM-ents and (MOM-enclature). If she lived down the street, I just know we’d be true friends in real life.
These are but a few of my favorite moments of late. What’s yours?
And Frankly, My Dear… that’s all she wrote!