Dot and I spent nearly three hours trimming just one of our backyard trees and cleaning off the back patio.

This is my third summer in my “new” house. I’ve devoted three summers to the front yard: Tree Trimming, gardening, cleaning. Little by little… well, you’ve seen past pictures. It’s still a lot of desert dirt. But at least now it’s organized dirt, with a few budding flowers for decoration.

And since I’m such a linear thinker, I’ve subconsciously put off working in the back yard until the front yard is done. Why have too many projects, right? Unfortunately, as any Great Homesteader will tell you, yard work is never done. Which means the front yard will never be finished. Which means, I must step into the jungle of overgrown Mulberry trees that darken my windows with their long-reaching leafy branches. And conquer them!

And that’s what I set out to do this morning. A few minutes later, Dot came out to help. I swept, hosed, and cleaned the patio including walls, furniture and grill. Dot cut the extra ground growth from the tree. And together we pruned and cut and even sawed off some solid branches!

It’s not done yet, but three hours later, we have a patio we’re proud to relax on, and a yard we can see better than before.

There’s still four trees to trim and three to cut down altogether. But for now, it’s a start. A very happy, fulfilling, job-well-done start.

Refreshments, anyone?

And Frankly, My Dear… that’s all she wrote!


Second Winner: Route 66 Gift Pack Giveaway
RECIPE & GIVEAWAY: Green Chili Chicken & Rice
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