by Molly Jo Realy @MollyJoRealy
God is not a game player in the sense of messing with us. He doesn’t tease or do a bait-and-hook.
But He’s a great Team Leader. He’s honest from the get-go. Transparent in His game plan for us.
God gave up His star player so the rest of the team could win.
He has never changed the rules. He didn’t replace you with a better athlete, because He knows you are His better athlete. For this game you’re in, for the piece on the board that you represent, the cards you’ve been dealt, the track that you’re on.
He’s in it with you. 100%.
You don’t have to worry about being left behind. You’re not going to be forgotten. The bus isn’t leaving without you.
Never forget who’s team you’re on. Never forget who picked you first. And never forget you’re not alone, ever.
TWEET THIS: Frankly, On Faith: God is Not a Game Player, He’s a Team Leader. @MollyJoRealy #faith #God #team
And Frankly, My Dear . . . : That’s all she wrote!
Well said!
William Kendall recently posted..Japanese Culture
Thank you.