by Molly Jo Realy @MollyJoRealy

Frankly, My Dear . . . : Five Things Friday
The holiday season can bring families together, feelings of holiday cheer, and more stress than you can shake a stick at.
It’s also a season of “How do I possibly do this?” and “How can we manage that?”
Finding that perfect gift for someone isn’t always an option when the price tag is higher than your ceiling.
Here are few ideas for giving without going broke:

Frankly, My Dear . . . : Five Things Friday
- Give the gift of time. Spend a few hours chatting over coffee. Catch up with an old friend. Drive over to your brother’s house. Take a loved one to dinner. Turn off your phone and outside distractions, and just be with each other. Rediscover the commonalities you have, and learn how you’ve changed.
Frankly, My Dear . . . : Five Things Friday: Gifts That Don’t Cost
- Give the gift of service. How often do we say, “I wish there were more hours in a day?” What we mean is, “I can’t possibly do everything on the list, all the time.” Helping someone with household cleaning, running errands for them, or driving them to appointments is a great gift. Companionship while conquering a To Do List is a double gift!
Frankly, My Dear . . . : Five Things Friday: Gifts That Don’t Cost
- Give the gift of encouragement. We all need to be emboldened. Tell your peeps what you admire about them, and watch them soar. Keep telling them, and they’ll soar even higher.
Frankly, My Dear . . . : Five Things Friday: Gifts That Don’t Cost
- Give the gift of creativity. We’re all good at something. Some are woodworkers, some excel in the kitchen. Others are writers, painters, quilters. Each of us has a talent that is meant to be shared with others. Create a homemade gift, or spend time creating/crafting with others and helping them discover what they’re good at!
Frankly, My Dear . . . : Five Things Friday: Gifts That Don’t Cost
- Give the gift of asking. To truly bless others, we need to know what they want or need. Pay attention. Develop deeper conversations. When they say “A”, don’t misinterpret it as “B”. Understand that understanding is deeper than just talk. Formulate questions that lead you to their answer, and be creative with your solution.
Frankly, My Dear . . . : Five Things Friday: Gifts That Don’t Cost
What gifts do you like to give?
TWEET THIS: Five Things Friday: #Gifts That Don’t Cost @RealMojo68 #holiday
With a light bulb and a thinking cap,
Happy gifting!
~Molly Jo
And Frankly, My Dear . . . : That’s all she wrote!
Very wise!
William Kendall recently posted..City Daily Photo Theme Day: Gift