Nov 21, 2017 |
by Molly Jo Realy @MollyJoRealy
I’m having the best evening. Seriously. The. Best. Evening.
My living room is decced for the holidays. I finagled Friday off work for a four-day weekend. I’m surrounded by three-fourths of Catford Manor. And I just finished reading a really good book.
So you know what comes next.
Sure, you do.
Read no further if you don’t want to know the story.
Still here?
Read on:
First, I’m glad I was slow in reading this book. It just means it will be that much sooner when I … read the rest. . .
Nov 14, 2017 |
by Molly Jo Realy @MollyJoRealy
Well, I’m not gonna lie. I haven’t finished reading it yet. But, since I never give away the ending, I figure it’s okay to tell you what I know so far.
But first . . . MOM. STOP READING.
I’m not kidding.
Spoilers to follow.
You can revisit this post after you’ve read the book.
We good?
Okay. Carry on.
Y’all know that Andi is my favorite character of the team, right? So how giddy do I get when I get to read Angela Hunt’s contribution? Pretty. Freaking. Excited.
Books One and Two took us … read the rest. . .
Nov 13, 2017 |
by Molly Jo Realy @MollyJoRealy
The FiF Team is at it again, folks. You won’t want to miss tomorrow’s live podcast episode as we continue our discussion on genres. This week, we’re talking mystery/police procedural, with very special guest Steven James.
Steven is a national best selling author of over thirty books including fiction and nonfiction. His Bowers Files series has been called “nailbiting,” and “psychological thrillers.”
He’s also a very talented public speaker.
I met Steven at my first Blue Ridge Conference. Anyone who has taken his classes walks away with more than information and guidance. He … read the rest. . .
Oct 2, 2017 |
by Molly Jo Realy @MollyJoRealy
Hey, hey, the gang’s all here! Oh yeah. Here we go again, another round of the team. Can you say #soexcited? I knew you could.
This week I’m reading The Revealing by Bill Myers.
Of course, there’s a few spoiler alerts here, so if you don’t want to know anything about the story, stop reading. Now. I’m serious.
But if you want to know a few things (but not the ending. Never the ending.) then continue.
Still here?
Okay then.
Read on . . .
Told from Brenda’s POV, it starts with her sketching … read the rest. . .
Aug 1, 2017 |
by Molly Jo Realy @RealMojo68
Book Four.
I’ve been both really looking forward to this, and really dreading it.
Looking forward because my good friend and faux pa (see what I did there?) Alton Gansky wrote this one.
Dreading it because I don’t have the next Cycle yet, and because, well, my good friend Alton Gansky wrote this one. I mean, what if I give a bad review? What if, out of all four books, this is the one I like the least? Can I admit such a thing publicly?
We’ll find out . . .
Book Four, The … read the rest. . .