That One Time I Remembered Water Seeks its Own Level

by Molly Jo Realy @MollyJoRealy

“What have you been up to?”

Well, I’d tell ya, but then I’d hafta kill ya. Ack! No. Sorry. Just channeling my sarcastic brother and our mutual love for covert spy movies. And comedies. Ohmagosh, remember the Princess Bride incident? Poor Mom had no idea what we were doing as each of her adult children started quoting the movie when we all came home for Christmas. #goodtimes Christmas. Yikes. It’s just over five months away and I’m so not prepared.

Ah, but I digress. So, yes. Back to the question. What have I been doing? … read the rest. . .

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That One Time I Celebrated National Creativity Day

by Molly Jo Realy @MollyJoRealy

May 30 is National Creativity Month. But, I think y’all might have picked up on that based on this post’s title. Am I right?

So, I just got back from a lovely trip along the milky way my yearly excursion to the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference. It was, as always, life changing. How many life changes can This Girl go through and still be changed? I’m so glad you asked. Apparently, the answer is, well, quite a bit.

I still can’t put into words all this year’s trip meant to me. So … read the rest. . .

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That One Time I Created a Survey for My Readers (That Means You)

by Molly Jo Realy @MollyJoRealy

Ufta! Oh, my. The winds are blowing around Bedford Manor. It’s times like these I’m glad the FabFurFour are indoor cats. And just as the wind is blowing outside, the winds of change are sweeping on the inside.

First things first: Y’all may have noticed a few subtle changes lately. Yup. I done and did it. I streamlined my social media from @RealMojo68 to @MollyJoRealy. I figure it’s my name, it’s a good name (thanks, folks!), so why not use it? Also, I know you know, but it kinda helps people to find me easier … read the rest. . .

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