Streaming vs. Cable vs. Live TV

by Molly Jo Realy @MollyJoRealy

I’ve been having a discussion, or rather, several mini-discussions, on Facebook this week.

I’m a huge fan of live TV, especially from October through September. I mean, you have your World Series, your holiday fare, the series season enders, the summer afternoon movies, and the series premieres. And then the whole thing just starts all over again.

But I’m not a huge fan of the big bill that comes with my TV viewing each month. Forget about the FCC and the never-ending fight to pay for cable a la carte. I’ve been researching things … read the rest. . .

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Why DVDs are Still Important

by Molly Jo Realy @RealMojo68

Okay, y’all. I admit. There’s a lot to be said about streaming videos. No extra clutter on the nightstand or when traveling. No storage issues (well, at least not at the house). And super bonus: no “ohmagosh where I did put that?” Or super-super bonus: no breakage.

But there’s something to be said for getting your entertainment the semi-old school way. And it comes with its own bonus.

Now, I enjoy Netflix as much as the next person. I mean, how many of you already know when Stranger Things Season Two is available? [Here’s a … read the rest. . .

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