That One Time I Rebranded Myself With Pizza Sauce

by Molly Jo Realy @MollyJoRealy

Hey. It happens.

So, the funny thing is, I teach people to find what their brand is and stick with it.

  • What do people appreciate the most about you?
  • What are your strengths?
  • What are you most comfortable doing/teaching/sharing?
  • What makes you happy?

And then I go and spoil it all by saying something stupid like … Oh, wait. Sorry. Sinatra in my head. [Note to self: Take the fedora off the shelf.] Ahem. What I was saying was, I sort of took my own advice … and tossed it aside. But like a well-tossed … read the rest. . .

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Social Media Saturday: That Time You Said Too Much

by Molly Jo Realy @MollyJoRealy

Oops. We did it again. We overshared. Coulda been a status update where delete would have been the better option. Coulda been a tweet from a, uh, unsavory source. Coulda been one or two or ten million things that we prob’ly obviously should not have put out there.

Can I just say, we’ve all been there, done that.

Trust me.

Depending on what you’ve done, you may have to do some damage repair. But for the most part, you can recover.

It’s important to take a deep breath and think this through before taking … read the rest. . .

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Presents for Your Social Media Manager

by Molly Jo Realy @MollyJoRealy

Whether you do it yourself, for yourself, for others, or have others do it for you, social media is a great tool to connect you with the world.

But we all know it can take up a bit of time. [I guess that’s why they call it “management”.]

Now, I’m not exactly an expert, but I’m also not-not one either. In my ventures with social media, there are a few things I’ve learned that make it easier.

Scheduling is prob’ly the first thing you need to manage. I recommend a scheduling app like … read the rest. . .

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Social Media Saturday: Unplug.

by Molly Jo Realy @MollyJoRealy

So you noticed today’s post is late in the evening again. You may not even be reading this until Sunday.

No, I didn’t fall back into old procrastination habits or forget due to other events (although the last three days of consecutive Christmas parties has been a blast!). No, I did it on purpose.

I intentionally gave myself last night and today be social- wait for it- in the real world. I know! *gasp* I can hardly believe it myself.

Now I know some of you are thinking, “well, duh. You need that … read the rest. . .

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Social Media Saturday: Plan Now to Start Later

by Molly Jo Realy @MollyJoRealy

It’s never too soon to have an actual plan for your social media. [Says This Girl who has forgotten to write her blog posts til it’s almost bedtime.] So we’ll just call this part of our “Do I Say, Not As I Do” series, yah? #thankyouverymuch.

I recently shared ideas on daily planning. [Read: Planning is Key.] But what about those special projects like book launches or grand opening parties?

Here are a few ideas to keep you on track. [Note to self: Implement more, implement regularly. Just implement.]

  • Keep a calendar available
read the rest. . .
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