My Perfect Valentine’s Day

by Molly Jo Realy @MollyJoRealy

My Perfect Valentine’s Day
(Or, How I Embraced My Independent Singleness and Lived My Love Out Loud)


NOLA NOTE: Before we get into today’s post, I’m pleased to announce NOLA second draft is now at the editor’s desk (not mine!), and I’ve hired a book designer who is currently designing the cover, internal layout, and eBook specs. I don’t have a firm pub date yet, but it will be soon-ish! I’d love to have y’all join my private Facebook group for more information, memes, and all-around fun. You can join on Facebook by clicking read the rest. . .

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Five Things Friday: November in California

by Molly Jo Realy @@MollyJoRealy

Ahh, winter. Wait. What? It’s only November. Okay. Ahh, autumn.


Sometimes here in the desert. But not too much. And not too often.

Still, there’s a lot to be said about living in SoCal when the season starts its thang.

“Such as?” you ask. Hey. Someone asked, or I wouldn’t be writing this post. Okay. You got me. It was me. Still, as I’m screaming to nobody in my car while driving Bear Valley Road (much to the attentions of other drivers, mind you), “What good is November in Southern California?! I mean, … read the rest. . .

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NOLA : The Beginning

by Molly Jo Realy @MollyJoRealy

There’s a Louis L’Amour quote I discovered years ago when reading his short story collection.

That’s never been more true to me than this very minutes.

Fifteen minutes ago, I typed the most beautiful words.

I’ve both dreaded and looked for this moment for years. In the last months, weeks, days it became increasingly difficult for me to not be emotional. I felt I was building up to a loss in my life. Soon I would finish, type those two last words, and say good bye to these characters I’ve grown to love.

Oh, … read the rest. . .

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Two Books to Read This Week

by Molly Jo Realy @MollyJoRealy

Last week it was cloudy. Windy. A bit rainy. And, yup. A carnival came to town. Did I go? Puh-leese. Do ducks eat hippopotamus? Of course not. I’m all for a good scare, but on my own terms. I certainly don’t need my own version of Something Wicked This Way Comes.

But all y’all know I love thriller suspense and ghost stories, yah? I’m not talking those icky, gory, demon-possessed movies, although I wouldn’t mind seeing Stephen King’s IT before it leaves theatres. [Note to self: buy movie ticket for friends. There’s safety in … read the rest. . .

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Book Launch: Lindsey Brackett’s Still Waters

by Molly Jo Realy @RealMojo68

So. This author? Lindsey? We kissed frogs together. #truestory.

She has completely hunted me down threatened encouraged me to embrace my inner Southern Belle and pushed me toward being the person I am today. Yeah, I’m sorry. Wait. What?

No, seriously. Since I met her a few years ago, she’s been nagging me. “When are you gonna write for Splickety?” “How can I pray for you?” “Are you working on NOLA this week?” “When do we get to have coffee?” I mean, the girl is just . . . such an encourager. Sigh.

Annnnnd in … read the rest. . .

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