Apr 19, 2015 |
Are you often amazed at the plethora of Monday-haters on social media? Sundays are an infestation of draggy, please-don’t-make-me-go-back posts and photos of closed eyes or weekend-recovery moments captioned “One more day!”
I understand. When you need that break to refresh, ending it can seem, well, horrid. I typically clean Bedford Manor after work on Friday night, leaving Saturday as my To-Do List and Play With Friends Day. That makes Sunday my day of rest. My I-Can-Do-Anything-Or-Nothing Day.
But here’s where I admit a dark secret: I treasure most Mondays. Those are days when the work week starts over. It’s … read the rest. . .
Dec 17, 2013 |
It’s been a month since I’ve posted. I’ve never gone this long before; and I apologize. I hope you didn’t think I’d forgotten you. No, far from it. But I really have been Just.That.Busy.
I turned my focus to amplifying my Amazon Author’s Page as well as finishing The Penny Parable for eBook publication. I’ve been attending my monthly Writer’s Club meetings, and I’ve joined a critique group. Every other week, nine of us gather to review our works. We email them out a week before each meeting and go over notes and suggestions in the group. It’s quite a … read the rest. . .
May 9, 2013 |
There’s a plethora of news articles discussing poverty as it relates to society as a whole. There are Government studies, prejudices, and surveys. There are misconceptions, stereotypes, classes to educate those in the throes, assistance programs that help (or don’t), and people fighting every day to overcome the odds.
Let me be very clear at this point: I am not a statistic.
My Social Media brand states quite simply, “I’m a Christian. Writer. Mom. Single. Daughter. Friend. Worker. Chef. Believer.” I’m also a baseball nut, coffee drinker, Disney lover, cat owner. I’m sympathetic, empathetic and at times extremely … read the rest. . .
Feb 22, 2013 |
I can’t begin to express how I feel writing this post. It always feels good when I write. But this one… Because I’ve been fairly absent in the Blogosphere since January… it feels good to Blog.
TGIF says it all. February has gone by so fast for me. Although my Kickstarter Campaign wrapped up on February 1st, I can’t believe how very busy I’ve been with the post-campaign work.
Ordering product, final editing, and, this weekend, sending the Cookbook to the printer.
I feel as though I’ve three jobs. My day job, which helps pay the bills. My writing, which … read the rest. . .
Nov 5, 2012 |
It’s been a long time coming. I haven’t been able to tell one day from the next. But now… Now, I’m (almost) ready. Now, I’m less anxious and more amped.
My Bento Lunch is packed. My purse is gathered. My clothes are hanging neatly. Did I miss anything? After my emotional vomit on TGIF as well as the outpouring of encouragement and support that followed, I can say I’m faced with a renewed emotion today: Excitement.
It started out as anxiety as I prattled off a list of “What If’s” to my brother, who immediately assured me those thoughts are … read the rest. . .