My web-designer updated my website this weekend. That’s New Inklings Press’s website, not the blog.
I’m very excited. The changes are subtle but specific.
You can now link to my Amazon page, and individual product, from the home page. You can read about upcoming projects and our authors. And of course, you can still shop directly.
Which is a good thing, because I have 75 copies of the THE UNEMPLOYMENT COOKBOOK, Second Edition. Remember when you followed last year’s journey to get it published, and how you said to yourself, “I need to order.” or “This would make a great gift.” or “So-and-so really needs a copy of this.”
Well now’s your opportunity. With just 75 printed copies left and no plans for a reprint, this may, in fact, be your last chance.
Now here’s the “wish” part of this post. It’s my wish, my goal, to sell all my cookbooks before Easter. There are three small bills I am trying to pay in full, and, as you may have read on my Facebook page, I’d like to get a Disneyland annual pass. Sure, that last one isn’t a necessity.
But Dot and I used to have passes. Instead of a big vacation, we’d go to the Parks a few times a year together, as well as with friends. Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to renew my pass for a few years now. She and her friends have. And let’s be honest: This Momma’s a tad bit jealous.
Does the world stop spinning without Disneyland? Of course not. Can we still have Quality Family Time without the Mouse? We do every day.
But now and then I think it’s okay to say out loud, “This is what I’m trying for” and see what happens. This, for me, is that moment.
A “New” website. A cookbook. And a wish.
And Frankly, My Dear . . . that’s all she wrote!
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Dear Disneyland . . .
Following Fabian
FIVE THINGS FRIDAY: Everything old is NEW Again
That’s a worthwhile wish!
Thanks, William; I think so!
Molly Jo recently posted..A Website and A Wish