Apr 19, 2011 |
by Molly Jo Realy @MollyJoRealy
Anyone who knows me, knows I’ve recently rediscovered my affinity for the Backstreet Boys.
I fully admit, I have always been one of those girls who dreams of the fairy tale rescue and swoons over love lyrics sung by boy bands. It’s not so much the love stuff as it is, I’ve just always liked bubble gum music. To be honest, I’m sure they could sing about cow patties and I’d find it extremely wonderful.
And on a day when I felt like a cow patty, it was the Backstreet Boys and God who made … read the rest. . .
Apr 16, 2011 |
by Molly Jo Realy @MollyJoRealy
I met Robin H. today. A nice man, a little bit older than myself, beautiful eyes… and a world’s worth of hurt behind them.
Robin is homeless, and very much ashamed of that fact.
I was eating outside at a pedestrian mall at the Mission Inn when I saw him, discreetly looking into the tops of trash cans. His clothes were ill-fit; not that they didn’t belong to him originally, but the “him” they belonged to must have been at one time, long ago, much heartier.
My daughter and her friend were enjoying a pizza … read the rest. . .
Apr 14, 2011 |
by Molly Jo Realy @MollyJoRealy
He was working with his team when I came upon the crowd gathering to watch them.
He waved at me, called me to him.
Some “fans” were nearby. “You know him?” they asked jealously. “You’re so lucky!”
I didn’t feel “lucky”. I felt “honored”. I approached him.
He said, “How are you?”
I said “fine”, although it was a bit of a bad day, and he could tell. He could always tell.
He put his arm around my shoulders protectively, pulling me out of the crowd of onlookers. “You’re okay,” he hugged me.
I was … read the rest. . .