Amara’s Light: Book One of the Grenalia Chronicles

I have a great writing partner. The kind who knows timing. She knows when it’s a good time to write, and when I’ve too much on my plate. She knows dialogue timing and action writing. She is my perfect writing partner. She. Is. Awesome!


We’ve been working on our series for nearly two years now. “Working” is quite the misnomer, however. The last year has kept us unavailable. But now we’re back on track. We’ve been editing and creating new characters. Ever heard of a Sleight? Or a Marnavo? What about a Weonae? You’ll meet them, in good time.

As … read the rest. . .

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Hummingbird Moth at Lowe’s

I love Lowe’s Home Improvement Stores. I especially love their Garden Centers.

This morning, we drove over to get yard plants. There’s a feel to walking through Lowe’s Garden Centers. The sprinkler-induced humidity. The welcome birds being chased by feral cats. The families planning together. The newlyweds picking their first flower pot.

I love walking through Lowe’s. Away from computers and electronics. Away from televisions and radios and outside interferences. It’s a way to briefly reconnect with reality. Earth. Nature.

I love breathing in the pungent aroma of Privet followed by the fragrance of Jasmine. The color explosion on each … read the rest. . .

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I’m a Trekaroo Superoo!

You know those moments that you think, well, I missed that boat by a mile, and so you quit thinking about the trip? Yeah. So that happened.

Last year when I was otherwise unemployed but had a great amount of time available, I began writing short reviews for Trekaroo. You know Trekaroo. I’ve mentioned them here and there.

So after a few reviews, I received an email. Would I like to become a Superoo? A sponsored reviewer. Well, heck. I get to write. I get to travel (even locally). And they give me an outlet for my creative musings? Who … read the rest. . .

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