Aug 31, 2012 |
I am so excited. So very excited!
I just discovered that Pergolas originated in Italy. Pergolas with their draping grapevines and tiny lights and patio dining and ambient music. Can’t you just feel the breeze wafting the aroma of a great Merlot in your direction?
And I just discovered that Italy actually has a desert. Deserto di Accona. An arid, white, sandy desert.
Do you have any idea what this means?
It is so very possible for me to combine my love of Italy with my reality of the desert, and make it work! Pergolas, herbs, rockscaping, cacti, skyrockets, and … read the rest. . .
Aug 30, 2012 |
There’s a new page link on Frankly, My Dear…
My Housing Project
Since I have an abundance of home improvement projects on my list and a new penchant for photography, I thought what better way to combine the two than to track it here on my blog?
You’ll see plenty of How To’s, What Not To Do’s, and Mistakes That Will Be Made. But you’ll also see a lot of fun, and I hope, pick up some inspiration of your own.
When I have a Housing Project post, I’ll be sure to link it to the Page. So if you … read the rest. . .
Aug 29, 2012 |
Many years ago, when Dot was just an infant, I met a woman named Corrie. A remarkable young woman, named after another remarkable woman. My Corrie was named for Corrie Ten Boom. Corrie Ten Boom was a Dutch Christian who, with her family, hid Jews from persecution during World War II before being arrested. If you haven’t read her story, I strongly encourage you to do so. “The Hiding Place” is her autobiography, but she also wrote many other books and spoke often of her experiences in a Nazi Concentration Camp.
My Corrie is just as bold, outspoken, tender and … read the rest. . .