Mar 31, 2012 |
Yesterday I received a comment from an unknown person to a post I wrote about a month ago. I was really hesitant whether or not to “approve” the comment for posting, because the writer seemed a bit inflammatory, the comment seemed like it was baiting me for feedback, to be defensive.
And while I wanted to delete the comment, or defend my writing, I chose to do neither. As a writer, I’m obviously a proponent of free speech. Just because I don’t agree with what someone says, doesn’t mean they don’t have the right to say it, even on my … read the rest. . .
Mar 31, 2012 |
On the heels of the other post for today, the one about the negative comment, this one takes the other end of the spectrum completely:
I got this great comment from Danette Lynn at Bonbonspourlesyeux (don’t worry, I’ve never tried to pronounce it correctly, either): “Hi there. I have nominated you for the Very Inspirational Blogger award. I like your work and feel it is deserving of even more recognition. I guess the rules are, list seven things about yourself and nominate other bloggers that you feel are deserving of the award. Keep up the good work.”
Dani is a … read the rest. . .
Mar 30, 2012 |
I hate the end of any month. I really do. It means I have to spend several hours going over the budget for the next month and trying to figure out how to make ends meet.
But it means seeing how we got through this month when we weren’t sure four weeks ago how we’d do it.
It means planning another month of meals and snacks and extras that usually include more than one dollar sign.
But it means fine tuning the Meal Memo in a Jar plan we started in March, which is saving us time and money, and … read the rest. . .