Apr 7, 2016 |
Building a Social Media Swarm takes more than just constant posting. You need to know your audience, and let them know you. Read on to learn how to create a positive social media buzz.
Don’t Be That Person.
You know who I’m talking about. There are certain cyber-people who make you want to use Facebook’s Unfriend button more often than not. Am I right? We’ve all been in that person’s skin one time or another. The thing is, you shouldn’t stay there.
Here’s a quick run down of five social media personalities you should try to avoid becoming:
- The One
… read the rest. . .
Apr 3, 2016 |
Ground beef, green beans, mashed potatoes and memories.
So, y’all know I’m the new Foodie Columnist for Broken But Priceless Ministries, right? Every three months I get to prepare a meal, write about, take pretty pictures, then eat it. Not a bad way to get my name out there in the dog-eat-dog world of writing, am I right? [Dog-eat-dog. See what I did there?]
For April’s magazine [of course I’ll post the link when it’s available, silly of you to even ask!], I had a hard time deciding what to make. In the end, this family favorite … read the rest. . .
Apr 1, 2016 |
It’s quite possible I’ve had so much to write that I haven’t written a thing. Okay, true story: I (almost) don’t know where the month of March went. I almost feel like the Beatles’ Here, There, and Everywhere. Oh, don’t get me singing. Just give me some sweet tea or coffee and I’ll calm down.
There was a chaotic beginning in March. Projects up in the air, should I do this or quit that? Bless her glorious heart, after a morning out as we’re sometimes prone to do, Mum asks, “Would you like me to come over and help you … read the rest. . .