What’s the Word? Wednesday (Blog Hop)

Welcome To Frankly, My Dear’s first ever blog hop event! In my virtual jaunts around the blogging community, there is so much to read! I love sitting down in front of Babycakes (my laptop) while sipping the Keurig’s daily offering and seeing what you have to say and share.

And this is my offering: A chance for you to let us in on your blog world spectaculars. What’s the Word? Wednesday is a linky that allows other bloggers to share whatever is on their minds that they want to talk about. Think of it as a virtual coffee date with … read the rest. . .

Sweeten my tea and share:

In a Few Days, For a Few Days…

Sometime in the near future, Frankly, My Dear… will be unavailable for a few days.

Don’t cry! It’s okay! I promise! (And have I ever steered you wrong?)

I’m switching servers. Or, rather, my webmaster is. I don’t really much about all that mumbo jumbo. I have people to do this sort of thing for me. And currently they are working together to bring you a more streamlined blog reading experience.

Okay, yeah. That’s cheesy. And you prob’ly won’t even notice the difference. But I will. And that’s a good thing!

The bad thing is, when the transfer begins, it … read the rest. . .

Sweeten my tea and share:

Comments, Comments, Everywhere!

Of late I’m beginning to discover Comment Luv: that great little commenting feature that allows people to post comments without registering; and if you happen to be a blogger, it also posts links back to your last posts. How awesome is that?!

The problem, I’m discovering, is that I’m already committed to Disqus. Committed meaning, if I deactivate it, I’m afraid I’ll lose all your wonderful comments.

So I’m in comment limbo right now. And not too sure what to do about it. I added Comment Luv to my blog, but I haven’t deactivated Disqus yet. So the next few … read the rest. . .

Sweeten my tea and share: