Second Winner: Route 66 Gift Pack Giveaway

Michele D., I hope you’re reading this because due to lack of response from our first winner, YOU ARE THE NEW WINNER OF THE ROUTE 66 GIFT PACK GIVEAWAY!

Remember, folks, you can win but the prize is only good if you contact me with a proper mailing address.

Michele, I look forward to hearing from you and hope you’ll stick around for upcoming giveaways!

And Frankly, My Dear… that’s all she wrote!

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Rice Cooker Giveaway

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read the rest. . .
Sweeten my tea and share:

A Day in the Yard

Dot and I spent nearly three hours trimming just one of our backyard trees and cleaning off the back patio.

This is my third summer in my “new” house. I’ve devoted three summers to the front yard: Tree Trimming, gardening, cleaning. Little by little… well, you’ve seen past pictures. It’s still a lot of desert dirt. But at least now it’s organized dirt, with a few budding flowers for decoration.

And since I’m such a linear thinker, I’ve subconsciously put off working in the back yard until the front yard is done. Why have too many projects, right? Unfortunately, as … read the rest. . .

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RECIPE & GIVEAWAY: Green Chili Chicken & Rice

I’ve heard people say things like “I don’t know how I ever got along without one for so long.” Or, “It’s so easy, so simple, so effortless.” And, “Delicious. Hearty. Healthy.”

Most of the time I chalk it up to hype. Someone, somewhere is exaggerating.

And then I bought my Aroma Houseware’s 6-Cup Rice Cooker.
It’s small. Convenient. And on a day like today when the outside temperature reached over 100 degrees, I didn’t have to turn my oven or stove on to feed my family a healthy, hearty, warm meal.

The rice comes out moist and full every time. … read the rest. . .

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