That One Time a Fox Joined The Team and Tied Everything Together

by Molly Jo Realy @MollyJoRealy

It’s not that I haven’t been doing anything. I just haven’t been doing anything on the blog. At least, not as much as I used to. You see, I’ve been working behind the scenes lately, editing NOLA, working some freelance projects, crafting my upcoming newsletter. (Now, everyone, nod your heads in sympathetic busyness understanding. Thank you.)

Lemmetellya, it’s a bit of a challenge. I wanna get it just.right for y’all, and well, for me. People say “write for yourself” and while that’s a good way to remain happy, it ain’t always gonna bring in the … read the rest. . .

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That One Time I Created a Survey for My Readers (That Means You)

by Molly Jo Realy @MollyJoRealy

Ufta! Oh, my. The winds are blowing around Bedford Manor. It’s times like these I’m glad the FabFurFour are indoor cats. And just as the wind is blowing outside, the winds of change are sweeping on the inside.

First things first: Y’all may have noticed a few subtle changes lately. Yup. I done and did it. I streamlined my social media from @RealMojo68 to @MollyJoRealy. I figure it’s my name, it’s a good name (thanks, folks!), so why not use it? Also, I know you know, but it kinda helps people to find me easier … read the rest. . .

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The Unemployment Cookbook: Slow Cooker Pork & ‘Kraut

by Molly Jo Realy @MollyJoRealy

Y’all remember last month when New Inklings Press introduced their February #MediaMenagerie Member? [Phew, I double-dog dare ya to say that five times fast on a late Sunday evening.] Bridges the Raccoon was brought on board to help writers find a way to get from here to there . . . Whatever “here” and “there” is.

Well, this weekend, it was in the kitchen. And after a crazy usual month of go-here-see-there-stop-now-breathe-okay-get-going-again activity, I just needed a bit of a break. So I opened the fridge and pantry, and asked Bridges what he … read the rest. . .

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That One Time I Remembered I’m a Writer

by Molly Jo Realy @MollyJoRealy

Funerals and planes.

Yeaaahhhhh. We’re back to this again. But hold on! It’s a good thing. Honest! You know how sometimes the planets align or the flaming arrow flies through the rings or [okay, insert your own #itsasign metaphor here]? Well, that’s been happening.

First, it was about what was inside of me bubbling up, or as Caleb (affectionately known as John-Boy) and I like to toast with our sparkling ciders, “Effervesce, baby!”

But this week, it’s been about the arrows pointing at me. Not like painful arrows, although yeah. There’s been a few of … read the rest. . .

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That One Time I Created a Character Bio Template

by Molly Jo Realy @MollyJoRealy

Well, I thought I was sort of done with NOLA but the truth is (as so many of my writing peeps warned me), it’s only just begun. [Cue Carpenters’ music here.]

As y’all will recall (I hope) from a recent post, for a while there I forgot I was a writer. I mean, I was listening to so many others, and I was acting like a new student instead of a seasoned wordsmith. It took a little self-diagnosing to figure out the main problem was, well, me. *GASP* So not cool, right? Now here’s … read the rest. . .

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