Aug 31, 2017 |
by Molly Jo Realy @RealMojo68
Hey, peeps. We’re gearing up for another great podcast next Tuesday.
And since I’m starting a new career swing this week and a little scattered, today’s blog post is just to encourage you to give us a watch.
Every other Tuesday, 6:30 pm, live at
Next week our topic is The Care and Feeding of Your Idea.
What questions do you have about maintaining a healthy work in progress? Leave a comment and we’ll do our best to answer. You can also leave non-topic Ask The Author questions, too.
Now ain’t that a … read the rest. . .
Aug 16, 2017 |
by Molly Jo Realy @RealMojo68
So this was us a year and a half ago [has it really been that long?!] at Blue Ridge. They’re celebrating awards and I’m celebrating the fact I could jump in high heels.
Ahh, good times.
So, next week we’re doing a slightly different podcast, which y’all may have surmised from the title of this post.
Everything you wanted to know about writing but were afraid to ask.
This is where you come in. As with any creative endeavor, we want to do it right. And while the hosts and moi have our ideas and … read the rest. . .
Nov 30, 2015 |
On this week’s Firsts in Fiction podcast, we’ll be chatting with author/editor Kathy Ide about Holiday Fiction and the dos and don’ts of writing about popular holidays. You can watch the live stream and join the chat every Tuesday evening at 6:30 PST.
On today’s blog, Kathy shares her ideas for maintaining your credit as a writer:
The buzz word in publishing is platform. And for good reason. Authors need to get the word out about their books. After all, if no one knows about them, no one will buy them.
But there’s another “p word” that, in … read the rest. . .
May 16, 2015 |
It’s almost 1 a.m. Sunday morning. Well, my watch tells me it’s only 9:45 pm, but I’m in North Carolina now, so it’s three hours later. Which makes it thisclose to sunrise. Ok, not really. There’s still an opportunity to catch some zzz’s but I just can’t go to sleep without sharing what the last 24 — okay, 36 — hours have been like.
Having been blessed with a scholarship and a share in the travel expense, I’m — wait for it. No, I can’t quite get my head around it yet. But yes, it’s true.
I’m at Blue Ridge! … read the rest. . .
Oct 10, 2014 |
I love blogging. I love sharing my little bits and pieces of the world with you. And I love reading other blogs, too.
Today’s Five Things Friday is about some of my favorite blogs.
1. To start with, today I’m the featured guest blogger over at Things They Can’t Say.

So click on the badge to read how I’m not ready to be an empty-nester. It was a hard post for me to write, because I wanted to get it just right. I’m still not sure anyone else will cry when they read it, but maybe if Dot reads it, … read the rest. . .