The Solution

I’ve been praying all wrong.

Last night God whispered through my shouts.

Last night I was holding on so tight, begging for resolution that didn’t come.

I asked Him, “Why?”

He pried my hands lose so He could hold them.

He said, “Stop limiting me.”

I said, “Why aren’t you fixing this? I mean, I’m trying to trust you and all, but why aren’t you fixing this?”

He said, “Who says I’m not?”

I stomped. I pointed. I whined.

I said, “Because it’s not fixed! I can see it’s not fixed. How am I supposed to trust you when you’re … read the rest. . .

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Do You Mean It?

It’s funny how sometimes I get an idea for a post but am not always sure how to write it out clearly. When those moments happen, I often write a note and keep it nearby on my writing table. Or I just let it shift around in my head, mixing with other words and experiences until, like a snowball rolling downhill, it picks up the momentum it needs from its surroundings and ends up larger than life.

This is that sort of post. For nearly a week, I’ve been struck with how often the World around us asks, “How are … read the rest. . .

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“What’s the Word?” Wednesday: November 14, 2012

We’re one day away from being halfway through November. It’s been a busy first two weeks around here! I’ve been baring my soul, earning my keep, and all things in between. Right now I’m fighting a cold with the help of vinegar and Vicks (no, not together!).

Thanksgiving comes early this year. Does that mean we have an extra week in the holiday season? I hope so! I’m so ready to get this Party started!

Let’s make this week’s “What’s the Word?” more interactive. For every post you link up, leave a question in the comments. Something you’ve always wanted … read the rest. . .

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