Mar 4, 2015 |
I love WinCo. But that’s not news, right? I love that they love me, too.
Ask me any day of the week, and I’ll tell you, I’m in love with their Bulk Bins. You can buy as much, or as little, as you need. Are you shopping for one basic recipe, or hosting a large dinner party? They’ve got you covered.
From pastas and starches to snacks and candies, buying in bulk is crazy economical.
My favorite is their long white rice. It’s a staple in my house. At just pennies per pound, I can pick up five pounds of … read the rest. . .
Dec 4, 2012 |
Is one of your New Year’s Resolutions to eat better? Really… who’s isn’t.
How about adding some more fruits and citrus to your diet? Those vitamins are calling you! They want to party down with you in the kitchen!
Remember this lovely moment? It makes the whole Kitchen Party thing a bit… difficult.
Yeah. It’s always fun to work in the kitchen with a finger splint taped to your hand… not!
It’s even more fun when you’re trying to squeeze citrus juice good to the last drop. Unfortunately, my recurring early-onset arthritis is currently recurring.
Fortunately, Aroma Housewares sent … read the rest. . .
Jul 22, 2012 |

I’ve heard people say things like “I don’t know how I ever got along without one for so long.” Or, “It’s so easy, so simple, so effortless.” And, “Delicious. Hearty. Healthy.”
Most of the time I chalk it up to hype. Someone, somewhere is exaggerating.
And then I bought my Aroma Houseware’s 6-Cup Rice Cooker.
It’s small. Convenient. And on a day like today when the outside temperature reached over 100 degrees, I didn’t have to turn my oven or stove on to feed my family a healthy, hearty, warm meal.
The rice comes out moist and full every time. … read the rest. . .