Too Hot to Cook (June’s Meal Plan)

It’s been a few months since I’ve written a Meal Plan post. Based on the success of my recent monthly WinCo trips, I’ve had enough foods in the freezer and pantry to not have to buy too much. So I’ve been winging it; making what I can find. Occasionally, I’ve put together some meals like this hearty chicken and pasta dinner.

I always keep frozen salmon filets in the freezer. Last month, I bought a 5 lb. bag of chicken breasts (admittedly not from WinCo). Sure, it cost nearly $17, but with 20 breasts, that’s less than $1/piece.

So my … read the rest. . .

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How to Be a Wine Snob Without Even Trying

I want to be a Wine Snob. I want to be able to tell from the color and aroma in my glass that it’s going to be good or bad. I want to know right away which bottle to serve with my chicken, my fish, or my aperitifs.

But wine is expensive. Usually. So I’ve learned a few tricks to develop a taste for good wines. This won’t do if you’re in a hurry to learn about wine. And by no means is this the only, or even the best way, to learn. But for myself, I’ve enjoyed taking this … read the rest. . .

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