Essential Oil Gifts

by Molly Jo Realy @MollyJoRealy

Last month I shared my new love for DoTerra Essential Oils. Since receiving my kit, I’ve been watching videos, taking online oil camp classes, and going to meetings to learn as much as I can. It sounds like a lot, but really it’s just another fun networking opportunity. Less than twenty minutes a day is all it takes to focus on one oil or blend, and learn the many ways it can be used.

In the past several years, I’ve learned to make bath scrubs, lip balm, soothing oil blends, and many other items. … read the rest. . .

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My Housing Project: Bathtub Makeover

When we moved into Bedford Manor nearly four years ago, Dot’s bath was in pretty good shape. The only improvements we made at the time were to remove the left behind decor, paint the walls, and set up a Sandy Beach/Polka Dot theme that flowed well into Dot’s bedroom.

What we didn’t take care of was the tub itself. These blue flower stickees worked great to prevent slips and falls, and so it wasn’t really high on my To-Do List to remove them.

Plus, I’d tried a few times and nothing seemed to work. I’d looked online for solutions and … read the rest. . .

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