Thankful For You

by Molly Jo Realy @MollyJoRealy

Today, now, this moment, I want to thank you. I want you to know how wonderful you are. To see yourself as the amazing, wonderful, incredible person you are. And I want to thank you for sharing yourself with the world.

Your light shines in a way no other light shines.

Your smile brightens days.

Your words give insight.

Your care brings joy to so many hearts.

Your laughter, your tears, your humanity draw others to you.

Because of you, there are less lonely people in the world.

Thank you.

And keep effervescing!

And Frankly, read the rest. . .

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Bedford Manor on a Budget: Candles in Cups

Sounds simple, right? But until two years ago, I didn’t know how beautiful such an idea could be.

The local dollar store or thrift store is a great source for inexpensive supplies.

  • Votive glasses
  • Decorative stones
  • Platter or tray
  • battery votive candles

I found this great candle, tray and stone set two years ago for $14. I just had to add the candles. Since then, I’ve seen similar product at dollar and thrift stores, but I prefer the great selection at craft stores. Choose your product with whatever color scheme you like. Pink glass on a long silver tray. White … read the rest. . .

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