Jan 2, 2016 |
When I joined the Jamberry Nails team last spring, my intent was to use the consultant discount to my benefit. Selfish, I know. Or so it sounds.
The truth is, I want to share Jamberry with everyone around me. Using my fingertips as an artist’s canvas is so fun and individual. I say it’s like scrapbooking on your hands. No two Jamicures are the same, even if I’m the one doing them.
Sure, I have my favorites:
But Jamberry is much more than pretty fingers. It’s also healthy hands.
After a month of wrapping and unwrapping and decorating and cleaning … read the rest. . .
May 4, 2013 |
I had a beautiful Jade Plant. It started out very small. It was a housewarming gift from my mother over three years ago. The back story is, nearly all my life, my mom’s had jade plants of her own. They’ve come to be a symbol of our family. When we moved, the plant moved with us. So it was only natural for her to buy me my own when I got my first house.
Last summer, the beautiful plant grew bigger. I transplanted it to a larger pot. And it continued to grow. I was very excited. As we worked … read the rest. . .
Apr 15, 2013 |
And then, again.
That’s what my friend Lisa says these types of writings do for her. When God uses me to write His message on her heart. She gets thunked.
As you’ve undoubtedly noticed from my incredible lack of writing lately, there’s not been a lot of thunking going on. Sorry, Lisa.
I need a respite. A retreat. I need to find a way to afford a weekend getaway to disconnect from the world and reconnect with my daughter, my writing, and my God. I need nature. To spend time in His world and renew my view. I … read the rest. . .