Social Media for the Anti-Social

Here’s a not-so-secret: I love social media. It’s where I connect with others, share my life, promote authors and their projects, and yes, play my fair amount of Candy Crush. I know. Gaming isn’t the same as social media. But when all you have to offer is candy life, it counts, okay?

But not everyone feels the same. I can’t quite get my head around what I’m about to say, but I hear tell there are actually people out there who dislike social media.

Can you imagine? People who would rather get a tooth pulled than post a status … read the rest. . .

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5 Ways to Uphold Your Reputation as an Author

On this week’s Firsts in Fiction podcast, we’ll be chatting with author/editor Kathy Ide about Holiday Fiction and the dos and don’ts of writing about popular holidays. You can watch the live stream and join the chat every Tuesday evening at 6:30 PST.

On today’s blog, Kathy shares her ideas for maintaining your credit as a writer:

The buzz word in publishing is platform. And for good reason. Authors need to get the word out about their books. After all, if no one knows about them, no one will buy them.

But there’s another “p word” that, in … read the rest. . .

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Firsts in Fiction Podcast

So y’all know I hang with Aaron Gansky and associates, right? I mean, who could forget when Aaron, Beckie and I flew out to Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference a few months ago? [Read: And They Say Getting There is Half the Fun . . . ]

Long before the trip, I started running Aaron’s social media in exchange for his writing mentoring. Not a bad trade, eh? It has the added bonus of hanging with his family at least once a month when we play Magic The Gathering and eat food.

And, well, I am a social … read the rest. . .

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Coming Home

North Carolina is full of rocking chairs and a Mayberry-esque lifestyle. There are rocking chairs in the airports, and there are rocking chairs in the restaurants. In the restaurants, people! I ain’t making this stuff up.

I want to live there. I want to drink more sweet tea and say “y’all” and “honey, sugar” to strangers and call my friends “Sweet Potato” and rock on a front porch as the rain patters down. I want to live in Blue Ridge.

Unfortunately, Blue Ridge is an event, not a place. Well, it’s both, but when it’s not an event, it can … read the rest. . .

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And They Say Getting There is Half the Fun . . .

It’s almost 1 a.m. Sunday morning. Well, my watch tells me it’s only 9:45 pm, but I’m in North Carolina now, so it’s three hours later. Which makes it thisclose to sunrise. Ok, not really. There’s still an opportunity to catch some zzz’s but I just can’t go to sleep without sharing what the last 24 — okay, 36 — hours have been like.

Having been blessed with a scholarship and a share in the travel expense, I’m — wait for it. No, I can’t quite get my head around it yet. But yes, it’s true.

I’m at Blue Ridge! … read the rest. . .

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