Sep 7, 2017 |
by Molly Jo Realy @RealMojo68
So. This author? Lindsey? We kissed frogs together. #truestory.
She has completely hunted me down threatened encouraged me to embrace my inner Southern Belle and pushed me toward being the person I am today. Yeah, I’m sorry. Wait. What?
No, seriously. Since I met her a few years ago, she’s been nagging me. “When are you gonna write for Splickety?” “How can I pray for you?” “Are you working on NOLA this week?” “When do we get to have coffee?” I mean, the girl is just . . . such an encourager. Sigh.
Annnnnd in … read the rest. . .
Jul 29, 2017 |
by Molly Jo Realy @RealMojo68
So much about this cover that I love. The authors, the publishers, the endorsements. I love them all. I know them all! How exciting.
Aaron Gansky and Kay Morrison (Cindy Sproles) wrote Heart’s Song several years ago and it found its home at Elk Lake Publishing.
So, this Monday, June 31, is the big release; you know, the it’s-finally-published event. The yeah-they-did-it party.
In case y’all can’t read the back copy, here it is:
Faced with the impending death of his best friend, Geoff Morris wonders if there is life beyond rock and
… read the rest. . .
Jul 1, 2017 |
Remember when this happened, the first time?
And how my love for all things baseball and community and movie quotes blended together to restructure FMD some years ago?
Well, folks. That paint is peeling. So guess what.
Are y’all ready for this?
All those old adages keep circling through my mind.
“The more things change, the more they stay the same.”
Hey, guys. Here’s the deal. I’m so stinkin’ excited (and it’s so stinkin’ late) I can’t concentrate.
So here’s another deal. Things are changing. But they’re staying the same.
Pretty soon you’re gonna see a new layout here at … read the rest. . .
Aug 23, 2015 |
It’s a bit surreal to announce, but Tuesday, Aaron D. Gansky’s newest book, Hand of Adonai: The Book of Things To Come is finally available.
The first in a series, Hand of Adonai is a Young Adult Fantasy novel that starts in North Chester, Minnesota and ends in Alrujah, a video game kingdom created by best friends Lauren Knowles and Oliver Shaw.
Don’t be fooled by the genre. This book has been read and enjoyed by all ages.
Being Aaron’s social media manager has its perks. I was also one of his beta readers. That just means a few pre-release … read the rest. . .