Early Thanksgiving

I’m not gonna sugarcoat this: Life is hard. I mean, it’s hard. And it’s easy to slip into the “I have it harder than you do” mentality. Trust me. Been there, done that.

It’s not much of a surprise that I’ve been pretty bitter about Life’s Lemons. Long-term unemployment. Chronic injuries. Financial fiascoes. Throw in the struggles of family and friends, and my heart is heavy with the weight of the world.

When we were young, my older brother was a wise-cracking, joke-telling genius. One of his favorites (that for some reason I played along with every time, even … read the rest. . .

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I Live in Fear Every Day

I know I shouldn’t. I know some people say worry is a sin. That I’m either not a good Christian, or I need to let go or… whatever it is you tell people when they say they’re unreasonably afraid.

But I am.


I’m afraid every day of the unknown.

I’m afraid that I won’t get a “real” job and I’ll lose my house. I’m afraid that I won’t be able to support my small family. I’m afraid of what would happen to the cats if something did happen to the house. Dot, notsomuch. She’s young. She’s got relatives. She’ll … read the rest. . .

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Teeter >< Totter

NEW BUSINESS > otherwise unemployed

no place to go < NO TRAFFIC

DRIVING TO SCHOOL > adventures in parenting

parenting issues < BEING A MOM

HAPPY HOUSEHOLD > just getting by

missing muse < WRITING IT OUT

FREELANCING > wrong opportunities


FRIENDS AND COFFEE > something to do


SETTING MY OWN SCHEDULE > working in sweats

dropping resumes < EARNING INCOME


learning to save < EARNING A GOOD NAME

WORKING HARD TO GET NOTICED > waiting … read the rest. . .

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“Life is What Happens When You Make Other Plans…” Yadayadayada….

We’ve all heard it before. You can’t predict your life. Things happen. What you have designed for your life is not what God has designed for your life.




When I was a child, I lived in Michigan and planned to live in California and become a famous actress. Or a teacher. And I’d write about my dreams.

When I was a teenager, we moved to California and I planned to work at Disneyland. Or marry John Stamos. And I’d write about my dreams.

When I was in my 20’s, I went to college and planned to become … read the rest. . .

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Slowing Down to Get Ahead

Almost everyone’s familiar with the Tortoise and the Hare: that arrogant, got-it-all rabbit taunting the always-trudging turtle in a race to the finish. In the end of course is the predictable winner: the turtle. Why? Because he kept at it. Whereas the rabbit thought he was so far ahead he could chill out, relax, goof off. Well too much partying left him in the dust and that little turtle kept on trucking and made it through the challenges to cross that winning line first.

I think sometimes I’m that turtle. There are so many people that not only know what … read the rest. . .

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