“Be Not Afraid”. Yes, I’m talking to YOU.


And then, again.


That’s what my friend Lisa says these types of writings do for her. When God uses me to write His message on her heart. She gets thunked.

As you’ve undoubtedly noticed from my incredible lack of writing lately, there’s not been a lot of thunking going on. Sorry, Lisa.

I need a respite. A retreat. I need to find a way to afford a weekend getaway to disconnect from the world and reconnect with my daughter, my writing, and my God. I need nature. To spend time in His world and renew my view. I … read the rest. . .

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“Thank You For Not Dying.”

I said this to a friend yesterday. I was completely sincere.

He’d had a heart attack nine months ago. Without warning. I woke up one Sunday to read on Facebook, “Had a heart attack last night.” I tried to figure out what he meant. Was he referring to a fright? Did his sports team lose? It wasn’t until he posted a photo of him in the hospital bed that I realized he was serious: he’d had an actual heart attack. As we were chatting this weekend about so many things in life, I thanked him for not dying.

Another friend … read the rest. . .

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Remember the Good Days

As I start this, I just know it will end up on Shell’s “Pour Your Heart Out” Page. I’m thankful for her keeping that weekly link up open so I can spill my emotional vomit and not be the only one doing it. Misery loves company, right?

Okay, so it’s not all miserable. But it’s a lot of what I can’t, or won’t, normally write. Today’s post is about life. And death. And a few things in between.

The last week has been a mixture of endurance, sorrow, mourning, and sickness. The details don’t really matter. My Blog friend, Jenn, … read the rest. . .

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Promise Me We’ll Be Like Them

Dear Mom,

You know I love you. You know, next to my daughter, you’re the most important person to me on this earth. I love that we are Three Generations of Desert Women: strong, durable. Louis L’Amour would be the first to praise your character. How tough you are, how strong and resourceful and faithful and determined. You are our rock, our foundation, our example. You’ve taught us how to forge our way through instead of turning back to the comfort of mediocrity.

And I want to be just like you when I grow up. And I want to be … read the rest. . .

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The Story Behind The Story

December 14, 2012:
I received an email tonight. The kind that makes your heart flutter and your wings spread. And your stomach churn.

By the time you read this, it will all be over. Or, rather… it will just be beginning.

The local newspaper wants to interview me about my writing. About my Blog, my Business, and my Book. I already texted Megan. What wonderful timing. Just two days ago we agreed we’ve been stagnant too long and it’s time to get back to writing our Series. You long-time readers know what a long, hard year this has been for … read the rest. . .

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