And They Say Getting There is Half the Fun . . .

It’s almost 1 a.m. Sunday morning. Well, my watch tells me it’s only 9:45 pm, but I’m in North Carolina now, so it’s three hours later. Which makes it thisclose to sunrise. Ok, not really. There’s still an opportunity to catch some zzz’s but I just can’t go to sleep without sharing what the last 24 — okay, 36 — hours have been like.

Having been blessed with a scholarship and a share in the travel expense, I’m — wait for it. No, I can’t quite get my head around it yet. But yes, it’s true.

I’m at Blue Ridge! … read the rest. . .

Sweeten my tea and share:

“What’s the Word?” Wednesday: Aaron Gansky on Magic and Writing

Welcome back to “What’s the Word?” Wednesdays.

What's the Word? WednesdayWwW was a weekly Blog Hop, where other bloggers were invited to link up their Wednesday posts and share comments on what’s going on in their worlds.

That was then, this is now. Then, complicated back links and sharing was required. Now, WwW will feature a guest blogger every other week.

This week’s guest blogger is my good friend and writing mentor, Aaron Gansky. He’s married to my long-time friend Naomi. He teaches high school English. He writes. And he plays Magic: The Gathering.

He’s teaching me how to nerd out on … read the rest. . .

Sweeten my tea and share: