When I was young, peacocks were, in my mind, nearly mythical creatures. Their elegant strutting, colorful plumage, and resounding cries were what stories were made of.

Not having any peacocks of my own or in the neighborhood, they were also elusive. A yearly trip to the state zoo often satisfied my curiosity yet left me wondering what it must be like to be so majestic.

The older I grew, the less I went to the zoo. And now, here I am, at least two decades removed from my last up-close animal encounter of any good consequence, with the exception of … read the rest. . .

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Invisible Person in a Sea of People: Robin H. and the 99-Cent Sin

by Molly Jo Realy @MollyJoRealy

I met Robin H. today. A nice man, a little bit older than myself, beautiful eyes… and a world’s worth of hurt behind them.

Robin is homeless, and very much ashamed of that fact.

I was eating outside at a pedestrian mall at the Mission Inn when I saw him, discreetly looking into the tops of trash cans. His clothes were ill-fit; not that they didn’t belong to him originally, but the “him” they belonged to must have been at one time, long ago, much heartier.

My daughter and her friend were enjoying a pizza … read the rest. . .

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