Blue Moon

I took this photo at 9:15 p.m., PST.

We’re expecting intermittent storm clouds again. I wasn’t sure I’d even be able to see the Moon at all. To be honest, I rather like the way it’s playing Peek-a-Boo.

By my human eye, I could barely see the tree, and definitely not the powerlines. I’m so impressed with my camera to pick up the little shadows, and the reflective colors in the clouds.

What a beautiful night.

And Frankly, My Dear… that’s all she wrote!

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My Housing Project: on Pinterest

I am so excited. So very excited!

I just discovered that Pergolas originated in Italy. Pergolas with their draping grapevines and tiny lights and patio dining and ambient music. Can’t you just feel the breeze wafting the aroma of a great Merlot in your direction?

And I just discovered that Italy actually has a desert. Deserto di Accona. An arid, white, sandy desert.

Do you have any idea what this means?

It is so very possible for me to combine my love of Italy with my reality of the desert, and make it work! Pergolas, herbs, rockscaping, cacti, skyrockets, and … read the rest. . .

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A New Page: My Housing Project

There’s a new page link on Frankly, My Dear…

My Housing Project

Since I have an abundance of home improvement projects on my list and a new penchant for photography, I thought what better way to combine the two than to track it here on my blog?

You’ll see plenty of How To’s, What Not To Do’s, and Mistakes That Will Be Made. But you’ll also see a lot of fun, and I hope, pick up some inspiration of your own.

When I have a Housing Project post, I’ll be sure to link it to the Page. So if you … read the rest. . .

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My First Photography Lesson

“When all else fails, read the directions.”
~Everyone’s Mother.

Just two days ago, I wrote how I want to learn better photography skills. In the last few days, I’ve worked toward that end: reading the manual that came with my Kodak camera. Trying my hand at photographing anything and everything. Pointing and shooting my Kodak as much as possible.

Okay, not really. Not all of that. But I have been reading the manual, and I must admit I realize I’ve fooled myself. Because while a Point-and-Shoot camera is just that easy, there’s so much more to it. For instance, … read the rest. . .

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Picture This!

It’s no secret that I’ve been wanting to learn better photography tips. My brothers and my daughter are all naturals when it comes to cameras. Me? Notsomuch. But I definitely want to learn.

I have a great camera. You’ve seen it, right? My Kodak Z990 EasyShare Max camera. It is, I’m told, classified as a point-and-click camera. Honestly… I don’t even really know what that means other than “easy to use”. I know (I believe) it’s not an SLR, which stands for Single Lens Reflex. I’m not really sure what that means. But I think it’s more complicated than Point-and-Click.… read the rest. . .

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